Time: 15:50pm-16:00pm
Moments filmed: Medical
Personnel needed: Matthew Herriott (Camera/director), Evie Brookes-Payne (Producer/Mya Brown), Kim Wright (Dr Goodwin)
Props: None
Equipment: Camera, Tripod
The final shot of the day would be the medical shot, and this was by far the simplest of all the shots to get filmed as it only lasts about 6 seconds. We were quickly able to get this one filmed but there were more learns to be gained here than from any other shot today:
1. Both teams (myself as the director, and the cast) need to make sure that the other is ready before we initiate a shot. Looking back at the footage of the attempts here, I saw that in one of them I had accidentally started filming AFTER they had started performing meaning that the first few seconds were invalid (we did 4 takes though so there was plenty to choose from).
2. Although DR Goodwin can be heard in the background in this shot, she is not actually seen on-screen. Originally, we placed K. Wright (DR Goodwin) behind the camera so that she would not get in the way of the camera but this meant that she could not be heard quite as well as we would have liked. This improved once she had been moved around to be in front of the camera - though remained out of shot because the camera was focused on Evie (Mya Brown). What we needed to remember here is that we should position people so that they are where they need to be in order for them to be seen/heard in the way that we need them to be.