Friday, 10 November 2017

Film website initial plan

After reviewing a selection of different film websites, we could now have a look at what we wanted our own film website to look like.

We decided that our website needed to have:
  • A banner/poster that the reader will see as soon they first go onto the page. This is something that we noticed all the websites we viewed had in common. It needs to hit the viewer straight away, grab their attention and keep them hooked - thus stopping them from backing off from the page because nobody wants to waste time looking through material that appears irrelevant
  • Shortcut buttons that take the reader to the content that interests them most. We want the homepage to be as easy to navigate as possible, nobody wants to scroll through looking for one thing when they could have that thing handed to them - a reader who is annoyed by a website will lose interest.
  • The film trailer, as a hub from which things related to the film should be found, this may well be one of the most important things for the reader to have a look at on this website - the aim is to sell them on the film after all.
  • The film synopsis, and other key film details such as actor/director credits - the audience needs a realistic view of the film that tells them what its going to be about (even if it is one that is designed to give the reader more reasons as to why they want to see the film). This will be the kind of thing (outside of release date and ticket information) that the reader may be looking for on the website.
  • Film posters - like with the film trailer, this is the hub for all things relating to the film and serves as another way in which we can present the film in an attractive light for our audience.
  • Social media link - in today's world of advertising, social media is everything. We need to give the fan base a way of communicating with each other as opposed to leaving them to create ways for themselves. Also, it will give them something that's easier to follow than continually checking a website as they would automatically get notified when pages of interest post new content.
  • Interview with the cast/director - we want to give the audience as much of the film as possible without giving away too much about the film itself. This will allow the audience a chance at an insiders view from behind the scenes, a more exclusive look that the trailer itself isn't really able to give them.
Ultimately, all the content needs to serve the singular purpose of whetting the readers appetite and getting the ready for the eventual release of the film.

Here is the initial overview:

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