Friday, 2 February 2018

Building the Website

Moving on from having created an initial plan for our Film Website, it was time to actually think about putting the Website together. This process contained several steps and at times needed a considerable amount of thinking, planning and consideration.

1) A creator

The first thing that I needed to find for my website was a platform from which to create one and for this purpose I knew that I had several options - among them being Squarespace, Wix and Weebly. Once I had selected one, Weebly, I could start creating.

2) Getting started

Now that Weebly had been selected it was time that I could start putting my desired website ideas into fruition. Seeing as building websites pretty much from scratch (or at all for that matter) was something that I had not experienced at all in the past, this was going to very much be a learning process by which I should have to work things out for myself as I went along - thankfully website creators make the process relatively foolproof.

3) Choosing a theme

As Weebly offered me a small collection of different themes for my webiste as I would need a template from which to start building my website, I had choices to make right from the word go. Unfortunately, there was not directly a template for a film website so whatever template I chose I was going to have to adapt (and quite severely I should say due to the amount of content that the template had layed out for me to customise).

4) Progressive creation

Because I started putting the website together as soon as I was able to, a lot of the content that I wanted to add - such as the trailer, pictures for the gallery, an interview, the facebook page - were not there when I first started so the initial job would be to modify the chosen template to the point at which the website would be ready for all the content that I would be adding to it later. As frustrating as this made the initial setup, I would be very grateful to have everything in position when all the content was finally ready to be put into their predesigned places.

5) Building up the content

Although I had to make some slight modifications to the original plan I tried to stay as true to it (unless I suddenly saw that improvements could be made) as I could so that the website that came out the other end was as good as its original designs were. I was able to make sure that all the important things could make it in such as the trailer, the interview and the information. Whilst it would not all be on the homepage as was originally desired, I made sure that all the content was easily reachable from the homepage. And seeing as the different elements that I would later be adding to the website were coming along at different rates, the phsyical build up of the website was gradual.

6) Publishing the Website

The final step, once all of the content was in place for putting the website together, was to go through the process of giving the website its address and then posting it onto the internet for the world to see. As there was a significant building up of the website from initial creation, through adding all of the different content elements, and finally publishing the final sight the time between start and finish of this ancillary task was a long one.


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